1. At the race place everyone can arrive starting at Friday – 25.08.2017. In the afternoon, the camp area will be marked so that everyone who will arrive sooner could set up a camp. With a car enter camp area will be possible till morning of competition day – 11:00. Everyone can enter and leave camp area one time, without regular routing – inside/out.
!!! Pay attention. When you will be entered a camp area, it will be possible to leave it only at 27.08 after 14:00, when the 24h race will end. Therefore, all those who need to get out of the camp area sooner, will be able to locate their cars at parking lot near by.
2. A central, specially-equipped campfire site will be available at the camp place. As the competition are held in the nature park “Zilie kalni”, in other places the bonfire is strictly forbidden.
3. For strength and energy, participants and supporters will be able to buy Squeezy sports food all day (26.08) till ~17:00.
4. As usual, will be available Venden drinking water with hot and ice cold water.
5. The camp site will be lighted. Electricity will be available at the organizers, only to charge some kind of gadgets.
6. Registration:
26.08.2017 from 9:30 till 11:00.
26.08.2017 briefing – 11:30.